Zone Watch

Zone Watch is a community wide program composed of over 135 volunteers who provide points of contact for the 64 geographic zones that make up the Hawthorne community.

There are seven Zone Coordinators who each oversee approximately ten zones and provide guidance and support to the zone captain/co-captain in each zone. The zone captains handle various levels of communication within their zone from coordinating delivery of the weekly bulletin to the delivery of the annual election ballots and specials election ballots to providing knowledge and support to the community members residing within their zone.

Zone Watch volunteers are also important in times of emergencies and over the years have assisted with the dissemination of information, providing assistance to their neighbors, and working in concert with the Hawthorne leaders in any way possible.

For more information on the Zone Watch Program contact the Activities Office at 352-360-6213 or the Zone Watch Chairman listed on the Monthly Activities Bulletin.


Hawthorne Woodcrafters and the Community provide the space for the workshops for use by all Hawthorne Woodcrafter residents who have the skills to safely use such facilities. Instruction is available for those wishing to acquire the necessary skills.

All Hawthorne residents are encouraged to visit and join the membership, which is required to use the machinery. A very small membership fee is attached.


Come join those who perform the art of burning a design or pattern into a natural surface such as wood, gourds, leather or cotton rag watercolor paper using a heated wood-burning tool.

Wii Bowling

Bowling with a simple sweep of your arm using a lightweight Wii Remote Controller. It’s just like regular bowling without throwing the heavy bowling ball. We play on two big screen TVs every Thursday, year round except holidays, in the Lime Room.

Sign in starting at 2:45 p.m. and we begin playing when there are four players. The next four players will bowl on the second TV. First come, first play and rotate through the sign-in sheet so that each player usually has time to bowl three games.

There are no set teams, just try for the best score. Cheers and celebration for great shots, high scores, and improved games. The Wii console is also capable of being used to play tennis, baseball, golf and boxing.

We welcome everyone, from beginners to experts. It is easy to learn and lots of fun and good fellowship

Water Exercises

We meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. exercising to music in the pool.

We work on the entire body with stretching, some tai chi, our balance, upper body, cardio, arms, hips, legs, feet, fingers and everything in between. The class is an overall good strengthening of the entire body. The class also helps keep us healthy through exercises done in the water, which is also less stressful on the joints. AND it’s fun!

Classes meet all year round as long as the temperature is 60 to 65 degrees because with sunshine and a heated pool, you can’t ask for anything better during the winter months.

No water shoes are required.


Visually Impaired Socially Active Club (V.I.S.A.)

In the fall of 2002, a couple of residents formed the Visually Impaired Socially Active Club known as V.I.S.A.  Our purpose is to get our visually impaired residents together once a month to socialize and enjoy each other’s company and to help them know that they are not alone with this impairment.  Another feature of the meetings is to share pointers with each other on how to deal with their impairment.

The club meets year round on the first Thursday of every month. Members pay no dues and funds are derived from donations. Our meetings are not only educational but we have entertainment as well as refreshments.


VFW Post 6389 (Veterans of Foreign Wars)

The VFW provides an irreplaceable service to our nation’s wounded, ill, and injured veterans.

Our primary focus is on local veterans and their spouses. The Honor Guard performs flag raising ceremonies in our park and in other communities and performs veteran funeral services at the Bushnell National Cemetery and at the Hawthorne Memorial Gardens. The Post also provides traffic control and parking assistance for large events held at Hawthorne.

Old and damaged American flags are taken for proper disposal. A box is provided outside the Orange Room for flags for this purpose.

We are always looking for new members or veterans wishing to transfer from their old Post. The Honor Guard would love to have some new members also.


HTV (TV 98)

HTV provides an important link in the communication system at Hawthorne.

Hawthorne TV98 provides information, educational and entertaining programs for our residents at 9:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m.

Some programs are set up on a regular monthly schedule, while others are interviews with residents or are concerned with upcoming events. Programming changes and new ideas for shows are always accepted for consideration.

Channel 98.1, also known as “The Drum” is a rolling advertisement of upcoming events, club activities and other notices.  The Drum is also used to alert our residents to any emergency in our community.

Check bulletin for broadcasting schedule.

Click here to share an idea for a HTV98 show.

Click here to schedule an HTV98 show.

Travel Club

We take our residents on trips out of the park. We do day trips, multi-day trips and, of course, our most attended trips are our cruises.  We do one cruise each year.

Social Dance Class

Thursday Social Dance Class meets one night a week in the Hall for dance instruction in fox trot, waltz, swing, cha-cha, rumba plus other dances. All are welcome to join us.