Newcomers is the first group you should join at Hawthorne. We have an event the first Tuesday of every month from October through May. Every month the event is different. You can join us for a meal and socializing while meeting other newcomers and making new friends. What a great way to start your new life here at Hawthorne. You can only come to Newcomers for two years after you have become a resident of Hawthorne. So don’t wait – come and find out how much fun you can have here at Hawthorne.
Many events are free or there might be a small charge if food is provided. There are no dues and you only pay if you choose to come to a ticketed event. There is no obligation and you just come when you choose to come. Sign up is requested in advance to free events on the Quad in the Hall. If it is a ticketed event, you may buy tickets in the Hall from 10 to 11:30 a.m. (Please bring small bills.)
Watch the Weekly Bulletin for more information on events and the dates that tickets will be on sale. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet new people and have a lot of fun.