Garden Club

A Bit of History
The Gardens were established in 1976, through the efforts of the late Gerard Frison and a few other active gardeners, Amos Henley was the manager, then and he himself, an avid gardener. The Gardens are located where Mr. Henley had a garden plot prior to 1976. The original layout had 74 plots. Since the inception there have been changes, originally a chicken wire fence was around every plot to keep the rabbits out. Grass or leaves were used on pathways to keep down weeds. Water use was restricted, do to the small supply line. If more than two hoses were on, there would be no pressure. were gradually Rules or instructions established, as guide lines for good gardening. The Garden took on a new look, no more chicken wire. New corner posts of pvc to mark plots, chips were furnished to mulch walkways A new water line was provided. Shortly after the fence there was a movement to build tennis courts and a gazebo was built between the tennis and Gardens. A few plots were lost from the Gardens to the gazebo. In 1986, a rabbit roof fence was being put in and completed in 1987. In 1993 two electric outlets were installed in the Gardens. A pine tree was removed. In 1994 posts and hangers were put in. The Garden Club had a successful dinner. Profits were used to purchase a light tiller, and shelves were installed in the gazebo. In 1996 we had a spaghetti lunch to pay for some hoses and tools. In 2004 we replaced our woo fence with a chain link fence because the wood fence was starting to rot. In 2015 a rabbit proof fence was put attached to existing fence because rabbits were coming through the fence. Over the years newcomers have put in gardens, some quit, and other became ardent gardeners. For those who are dedicated, there is nothing like getting good fresh veggies.


Dave Colman – Garden Club Chairman


Garden Rules
01. Pathways are a part of your garden, and is the duty of each plot user to keep ½ of the path free of
weeds and objects. We recommend you use the chips provided to mulch the walkway.
02. Gardeners who leave their plots unattended, and weed infested will be notified, and if they don’t
rectify (clean up the plot) it will be assigned to another interested gardener. If a gardener’s plot is
reassigned, the original gardener will be unable to have an assigned plot for one calendar year.
03. Hoses should not be left all over the paths. It’s very dangerous, as someone may trip and fall, also hoses get broke. Please use the hose hangers.
04. If you go away for the summer, cover the plot with black or clear plastic, or plant a dense crop like
peanuts, or sweet potatoes. You will need to have a designated person to weed If weeds come up. Please
let the chairman know who your designee is before you leave for the summer.
05. When watering, be considerate of your fellow gardeners. Please do not turn on sprinklers and leave the garden.
06. Some people have multiple plots. If a request from a member/resident is received and no plots are
available, you ma be requested to relinquish a plot. If a request is made for an already planted plot, the
relinquish date will be October 1, March 1, or June1.
07. A plot must not have trees or tall plants, like bananas, citrus, or any high plant to shade other gardens. Please be respectful of other gardeners.
08. When taking dead plants or garden refuse to the dump area, don’t drop it right at the entrance.
Please take it to the far end. Plastic and non-biodegradables should be taken home for disposal.
09. The fence around the garden was put up to keep rabbits out. Please make sure all the gates are closed
and latched. Do not put anything outside the fence, no mulch bins, tools, etc. Please keep the outside clean
and weed free.. Also please don’t put anything close to the fence, as it might bend the fence.
10. If you no longer want your plot, please report it to the chairman. They may have people seeking a plot.
Do not give your plot to someone else. The chairman needs to assign all plots to maintain a record of responsibility.
11. Help keep the storage room clean. When using any of the tools, please wash off the tool. (hand tools,
wheelbarrows, tiller) to prevent cross contamination within the garden area. Plus it is nice to pick up a clean tool when out start.
12. Please check the bulletin board for announcements.
13. The electric outlets are for use electrical maintenance tools. Power can not be used for night lighting, heating for cold spells, or any other use.
14. Hand tools may be checked out for home use. Wheelbarrows, tillers and other high value items should
not be taken out of the garden with out asking the chairman or co-chairman.
15. Report any tiller problem to the chairman or co-chairman.
16. Please maintain walkways around the fence for maintenance of the fence and keep personal items off the fence.
17. Any structure in your garden (trellises, etc.) should not shade another garden.
18. Do not go into other gardens, as it may transfer viruses and diseases. Please do not take vegetables
from other gardens without permission.
19. No dues are collected for Hawthorne garden plots. Plots are free to Members/Residents who maintain
their assigned plot(s) I accordance ith garden rules.


Click here to view HTV98 “Bees in the Garden”.

Click here to view the Garden Club’s “Bee Proposal”.

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